Here’s your “brutal architecture” from architect John Portman over at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero. Well, part of it, anyway.
The no-longer-revolving site of the former Equinox Restaurant:
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(Yes, they leave their Christmas lights, oh, I’m sorry, “holiday” lights up all year ’round, a practice considered “tacky” where I’m from.)
The whole place is nothing but concrete, plus some tiles on the floor.
This the lobby from above – tile everywhere:
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But see what the employees have done? They’ve laid down some carpeting, you know, to ease the pain, the brutality:
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(Especially when there’s water on the floor on a rainy day, you can’t really tell that you’re inside a building. Some guests don’t like that.)
Anyway, all the deets:
“This seminal 20-story gray concrete structure—designed by influential architect John Portman, who launched the trend toward indoor-outdoor hotel environments—is the focal point of the Embarcadero Center, where more than 100 shops and restaurants cater to the Financial District. The spectacular 17-story atrium lobby (listed by Guinness World Records as the largest hotel lobby in the world)…”
“Cozy” this place is not.
Take a visit sometime, why not?